The maqui is a native fruit of the southernmost country on the planet, Chile. Since ancient times, the Mapuche indigenous culture has consumed it and used it for its various healing powers.



The maqui is a native berry that grows in the south of the southernmost country on the planet, Chile. Since ancient times, the indigenous Mapuche culture consumed it and used it for its great healing powers.

It is a Chilean tree that reaches 4 or 5 meters in height, its fruits and its tender leaves can be consumed raw or in salads. The maqui fruit is a dark colored berry with a strong antioxidant power, a high amount of vitamin C.

Formerly the healers (machis) of the Mapuche culture used its crushed leaves to heal wounds. Its leaves were used in infusions that were used to relieve sore throats or ulcers in the mouth. The maqui is part of ancient recipes of the culture of southern Chile such as "curanto", a typical dish that is prepared in a hole covered with hot stones. It is also consumed as juice and with its fermentation a typical alcoholic drink called "tecu" is prepared.



Maqui is considered a superfood for its astringent, anti-inflammatory and purifying power. In 1496 the Chilean chronicler Alonso de Ovalle reported that the leaves of the maqui tree were used to heal burns, in 1889 the Chilean doctor Adolfo Murillo spoke about the anti-inflammatory power of the juice of this fruit and its power to relieve throat conditions. In the 19th century, the historian and politician Vicuña Mackenna noted that the Mapuche aborigines used the maqui to cure diarrhea, a practice imitated by the citizens of the country's capital in those same years.

The intense purple color of the maqui fruit is due to its content in anthocyanidins, which are beneficial substances for health, especially its antioxidant power, in addition, the maqui fruits have other flavonoids, the already mentioned vitamin C and minerals such as bromine, zinc, chlorine, chromium, vanadium and molybdenum.

The anthocyanins contained in the maqui fruit have been shown to help inhibit the oxidation of lipoproteins such as LDL (bad cholesterol), which form fatty deposits in the arteries and increase the risk of cardiovascular accidents. That gives this superfood the characteristic of being beneficial for heart health.

It should be noted that the juice of the superfood maqui contains greater antioxidant capacity than the juices of grape, blackberry, strawberry, blueberry and raspberry, even its power is greater than that of the famous acai. Being considered a beneficial food to prevent cancer, strengthen the immune system and regulate blood glucose, it is recommended for people suffering from diabetes and insulin resistance.



Maqui is part of the Brota Superfoods catalog because it is in accordance with our objective of making food available with the highest nutritional and therapeutic concentration. We want to reach all corners of the world by encouraging the population to incorporate superfoods into their daily lives in order to improve their well-being and quality of life.